嵌入式实时操作系统μC/OS-II(第2版)自带光盘源码 【原 书 名】 MicroC/OS-II The Real-Time Kernel,Second Edition 本书是MicroC/OSII The Real Time Kernel一书的第2版本,在第1版本(V2.0)基础上做了重大改进与升级。通过对μC/OSII源代码的分析与描述,讲述了多任务实时的基本概念、竞争与调度算法、任务间同步与通信、存储与定时的管理以及如何处理优先级反转问题;介绍如何将μC/OSII移植到不同CPU上,如何调试移植代码。在所附光盘中,给出已通过FAA安全认证的μC/OSII V2.52的全部源码以及可在PC机上运行的移植范例。
标签: MicroC OS-II Real-Time Edition
上传时间: 2016-02-10
标签: Microc-Os-Ii-The-Real-Time-Kerne uCOS-II uCOS 英文
上传时间: 2014-01-05
MicroC/OS-II, The Real-Time Kernel Motorola 68HC12 Port for Metrowerks Codewarrior READ ME FILE
标签: Codewarrior Metrowerks Real-Time Motorola
上传时间: 2014-11-04
《嵌入式实时操作系统uC/OS-II》(第二版) MicroC/OS-II The real-time Kernel Second Edition [美] Jean J. Labrosse著 邵贝贝 等译 这是学习uC/OS最经典的书!!
标签: OS-II J. real-time Labrosse
上传时间: 2017-07-07
Real-time processing with the Philips LPC ARM microcontroller using GCC and the MicroC/OS-II RTOS.
标签: microcontroller processing Real-time the
上传时间: 2015-10-08
uc/os-ii for 8051 This package provides the sources required to use the uC/OS-II v2.00 real time kernel on the 8051 processor. To use this package you will need the TASKING C Compiler toolset v6.0r1 or higher. For info on TASKING products you can contact our Web-site at: http://www.tasking.com Unzip the zipfile in the root of the drive where you also installed the uC/OS-II general sources. The following directories will be added: \SOFTWARE\UCOS-II\8051 This directory contains the microprocessor specific source code \SOFTWARE\UCOS-II\ex1_8051r This directory contains the project files for the first example \SOFTWARE\UCOS-II\ex2_8051r This directory contains the project files for the second example
标签: the provides required package
上传时间: 2015-05-21
uC/OS-II,The Real-Time Kernel, CORE FUNCTIONS, 80x86/80x88 Specific code (LARGE MEMORY MODEL)
标签: FUNCTIONS Real-Time Specific Kernel
上传时间: 2014-01-23
《嵌入式实时操作系统uCOS-II》(第二版) ,该书英文版原名《uC/OS-II The Real-time Kernal》 ,作者: Jean J. Labrosse 译者: 邵贝贝 出版社:中国电力出版社
标签: J. Real-time Labrosse uCOS-II
上传时间: 2014-11-18
GCC下microC/OS-II 开发平台,内含microC/OS-II 完整源代码和邵贝贝版的四个应用程序book.c(有makefile)和相关的pdf(在解压后的Linux-test文件夹下),适合初学者学习。里面的代码均经过Linux下运行通过。
上传时间: 2014-01-03
uc/os-ii随书源代码,first time, thanks
上传时间: 2017-01-11